who am I ?

It’s not just about getting raped. It’s not about me getting killed brutally. It’s not about what I wear. It’s not about what I do.
The questions are much beyond that. 
Why am I killed in the foetus?
Why do I never get a new dress on my birthday? Why can’t I even celebrate it like my brother?
Why do I even need a promise from my brother to protect me?
Why don’t I have a right for education?
Why my father is been asked money to get me married?
Why am I forced to prostitution, seen as a sexual object & least, cursed for being a prostitute?
Why am I killed brutally for just been born a girl?
Why am I not given a right to party?
Why am I not allowed to go out freely?
Why does my parents accompany me while going out anywhere & my brother is never questioned where he was last night?
I am not just Damini or  NIRBHAYA. I am not just Ayushi. Nor am I Jessica.
I aint a Delhiite or Mumbaikar. 
I am INDIAN GIRL seeking answers to all these questions. 
High time NOW... Break the silence & answer my questions....


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